Helping Hands Needed

Care Givers New Pilot

We’re here to expedite your application for this pilot program. The criteria for this program are distinct from other programs, and we’ll guide you through the entire visa application process. Contact us now!

Introduced on June 18, 2019, Canada launched two new initiatives, namely the Home Child Care Provider Pilot and the Home Support Worker Pilot, both operating as 5-year pilot programs. These programs aim to facilitate qualified caregivers and their family members in coming to Canada with the ultimate goal of obtaining permanent residency.

If you’ve received a job offer as a caregiver in Canada or possess relevant caregiving experience in the country, you may be eligible to apply for permanent residence through either of these pilot programs.

The application process varies based on your situation and the amount of qualifying work experience you have.

Qualifying Work Experience:

Qualifying work experience refers to full-time employment in Canada in one of the following National Occupational Classification (NOC) jobs:

  • Home Child Care Provider (NOC 4411) — Foster parenting experience is not considered.


  • Home Support Worker (NOC 4412) — Experience as a housekeeper is not counted.

Permanent Residence for Caregivers:

Home Child Care Provider Pilot and Home Support Worker Pilot Starting from June 18, 2019, you may qualify for permanent residence through the Home Child Care Provider Pilot or Home Support Worker Pilot if you:

  • Meet the eligibility requirements, and
  • Have a job offer to work in one of these occupations.

Under these pilots, you’ll be issued an open work permit to temporarily work in Canada. This work permit:

  • Is occupation-restricted (requiring work in the specified occupation).
  • Does not necessitate a Labour Market Impact Assessment (LMIA).
  • Allows you to gain the work experience necessary for permanent residence eligibility.

If you’ve recently worked as a home child care provider or support worker, your experience may contribute to your eligibility for permanent residence.