Industry Specific Immigration

Agri-Food Pilot

We’re here to expedite your application for the Agri-Food Immigration Pilot program. The eligibility criteria for this program distinguish it from others. Our support spans the entire visa application process. Reach out to us now!

The Agri-Food Immigration Pilot program aims to meet the labor demands of the Canadian agri-food sector through an innovative industry-specific approach.

The objectives of the pilot are to:

Address the labor needs of the Canadian agri-food sector, focusing on year-round mushroom and greenhouse crop production, meat processing, and livestock raising industries.

Attract skilled and non-seasonal workers who are interested in settling in Canada.

This pilot initiative is scheduled to continue until May 2023.

For eligible jobs in meat product manufacturing (NAICS 3116), the following National Occupational Classification (NOC) codes apply:

NOC B 6331 – Retail butchers

NOC C 9462 – Industrial butchers

NOC B 8252 – Farm supervisors and specialized livestock workers

NOC D 9617 – Food processing laborers

In the field of greenhouse, nursery, and floriculture production, including mushroom production (NAICS 1114), eligible jobs are classified under the following NOC codes:

NOC B 8252 – Farm supervisors and specialized livestock workers

NOC C 8431 – General farm workers

NOC D 8611 – Harvesting laborers

For animal production, excluding aquaculture (NAICS 1121, 1122, 1123, 1124, and 1129), eligible jobs fall under the following NOC codes:

NOC B 8252 – Farm supervisors and specialized livestock workers

NOC C 8431 – General farm workers

There are annual limits on the number of applications processed for each occupation.

Starting on January 1st of each year, applications will be processed on a first-come, first-served basis. The pilot is set to run for a duration of 3 years.